I think I forgot to tell you that I only paid $20 for this little beauty. Using ASCP in both Old White and Coco, I painted her two-tone to go with the dressers that I showed you a while back (not quite ready for these reveals yet). You can also see that I added a couple of wooden plaques that I purchased at Restore a long time ago for .50 each. Pardon the ugly garage "backdrop" but here is what she looks like now:
Whatcha' think? I LOVE how these two colors compliment each other.
Now for my second headboard for today. It is not often when you can pull one over on the Goodwill. Remember when you could walk into one and actually find things were cheap? Not so much anymore! Sometimes I see things that are marked higher than they originally were brand new...crazy!
So, how excited was I when I spotted this cute little twin headboard back in the corner the other day. While you cannot really call it "vintage", it definitely has that look to it. It is old however...it is stamped "1969" on the back. For me not so old, but most of you probably weren't even around then. Anyhoo, here it is:
I can so see this all "girlied" up, can you? Perfect for the little princess in your life! I am thinking I will add another wood plaque on the large part to compliment the scrolls above. The best part:
SCORE....Terri 1...Goodwill 0
Whatcha' think? Should I go safe and do it white, or would go a little bolder? Would love your thoughts!
Thanks for stopping by...have a great weekend!
This post linked to:
My Repurposed Life
Under the Table and Dreaming
Primitive and Proper
Shades of Amber
Restore Interiors
There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!

Love what you did with the first one,and ,I say go bold with the second!!
Love the one you painted. great price! can't wait to see the dressers.
I say white... I'm not a bold person. Or pink! you do pink really good! :)
have a great weekend Terri
i love the details on this and the paint totally brings it out! great job!
I love love love this headboard. I love the color selection and the way you have chosen to paint it's details. Great job! It almost takes on a bit of an art deco feel now to me!
P.S I am also a fellow Arizonian and am a new follower!
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