

A snowman gets a little facelift!

Well, the countdown has begun...we are in the finally phase before Christmas! Last minute gifts must be bought and wrapped. Thankfully, I have very little of that to deal with...I figure one more trip to the nearby mall and I should be done!

I have been meaning to post my little "mini makeover" that I performed on this cute little snowman. I have had this little guy for at least 12 years...every winter/Christmas he proudly sits on my front porch. This year when I pulled him out, I decided he had seen better days and deserved a little makeover! This is his "before" shot:

The first thing I did was remove everything and gave him a good washing...the hose took off quite a few years worth of dirt.

I repainted his little sign and cut out new letters with my Silhouette.  I purchased a small piece of fleece and made him a well needed new scarf.  You don't see the bird's nest in the before picture, but it was too was half full of dirt/dust, so I took it off and was able to salvage it without buying new.  I did splurge for some new birds however!

I used the old greenery, but add a new pinecone garland that I found at Michaels.  Last but not least, I purchased some styrofoam balls from the dollar store, used a little glue and glitter to make him a little pile of snow balls!

Here's how he looks now:

And of course he looks even cuter at night:

I have a super "yummy" snack to share with you that I made for the first time yesterday...delish!  Check back tomorrow!  Till then...

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


  1. your snowman looks so cute now that he's had a bath! :) love the new sign.
    I haven't wrapped a single gift! Today is crunch time for me for sure. Jamie and Andy arrive tomorrow night. Gotta get movin'!

  2. So funny that I definitely took a second look at the snowman the other day and thought he looked a little different. Glad to know I wasn't losing it!


So "sweet" of you to stop makes my day when you take the time to tell me that you did!