

Fundraiser Cookies

I was recently asked to make a "cookie" donation for a Silent Auction Fundraiser to the St. Dominic Savio Academy...a school for children with autism.  I was happy to help out for such a great cause!  This is what I came up with...1 dozen various themed cookies and I also included a Gift Certificate for one free dozen cookies of the winner's choice.  I hope it did well!

Couldn't resist sticking in a few more of the nail polish and lipsticks!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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  1. terr,
    the cookies were so cute i had to take a picture,so i could brag to everyone on the great job you do, in baking, decorating and donating!!!!! loved them!!!!

  2. Wow! What a great selection!! I'm sure whoever won those babies was thrilled to little bits to win those AND a dozen of their choice! That was really nice of you . . . and I'm sure it was a huge hit and made lots of money for the rescue. Good job, missy!! You free next week for lunch? Let me know!

  3. great job as always on those cookies!!! how sweet about the free dozen! you're the best!


So "sweet" of you to stop makes my day when you take the time to tell me that you did!