

Good morning, Peeps!

I have a few cookies to share and a cute little ABC project!

Bridal Shower:

Some "just for fun" cookies:

Thomas the Train birthday cookies for twin boys!

A  hair stylist birthday gift box

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

I offered these Pre-order for Mother's Day 

And these as well:

This year's Teacher Appreciation pre-orders:

These were just for fun too!  I had never used this little cutter and decided it was time!

And one of my favorite "outside the box" acceptance to a "prom-posal"
(that involved Converse) to a Paris themed prom!  Got all that?!

Enough cookies for now?  Let's move on to this little jewel:

I mean yes, the dog is cute, but I am talking about the coffee table that I built for my daughter, Kelli!  It was an easy build, as builds go...and I love how it turned out!

Till next time!


  1. I've NEVER heard of a 'prom-posal'...guess that shows my age! But a cute [and unusual] set!!!


So "sweet" of you to stop makes my day when you take the time to tell me that you did!