

More cookies

Keeping you updated...

These were donated for a Boxer Luv Rescue benefit....Bikers for Boxers

These have become quite popular with brides to be:

Around the World themed baby shower

Nothing better than a Cardinals themed birthday!

I typically do not take on orders of this size, but this client was very easy to work with...even willing to split up the order Into two days if needed.  Happy to say, I was able to get 16 trays all done and ready for pick up at the same time!

More to share next week!

Till then...


  1. Those boxes of Cracker Jacks are so cool!

  2. Wow - love how you used the multi-colored sprinkles (hundreds n thousands?) as crowd filler on the baseball field cookie - inspired!

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So "sweet" of you to stop makes my day when you take the time to tell me that you did!