It's time for another GIVEAWAY!! Be sure and stop by next week as CSN has been gracious enough to offer up another gift certificate to one lucky winner!! Details to come!
Now last but not least...some cookies! For those of you that actually have a "real job", you may be aware that this has been National Boss's Week! Seriously, they get a whole week?! Anyhoo, the actual "day" is Saturday, October 16th, but I think most will be honoring their boss today.
I had a request for a few Cookie Bouquets! Now, I can't lie, these things are a bit stressful for me! I love the outcome, but until they are "out the door", I am in constant fear of disaster! My client, Rosemary, found an idea online that she liked, so I sort of
Happy Baking!
There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!

You do such great work!!
Hey Terri,
I have chosen you to receive the Happy 101 Award... come check it out at
OMG...I absolutely love these faces!! Simple, but SOOO cute!! Can you whip one up for my boss??
Those faces are just adorable!
Very cute! I love all of those! Nice job!
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