
It's Cyber Monday...

who's buyin'?  Last Thursday my phone was going off every two seconds with emails for Black Friday sales...this past weekend, it's Cyber Monday sales....sheeesh!  It is fun though...love it that everyone offers great prices AND free shipping...that's my kind of sale!

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!  Ours was quiet, but very nice none the less. 

So, who went shopping on Black Thursday Friday?  I held my ground...I did not go out at midnight, but of course had a restless night's sleep, knowing I was missing out on all the good stuff!  My first stop...Home Depot at 5:00a.m....bought myself (okay, I will let my husband use it occasionally) a purty new DeWalt cordless drill!  That baby has torque, I tell ya!

The day turned out to be a success, as I did come home with a full trunk, but I can't lie...it just wasn't the same as the good ol' Black Friday's!  I am telling you, if we don't hold our ground, EVERY store will be open on Thanksgiving and we will lose the days of "black" completely!

Before I share some cookies, I want to know who took my advice and had a Chic-fil-A, Chocolate Peppermint Milkshake?!  Anyone?!  If you didn't you seriously don't know what you are missing.  I took my own advice and had one Saturday night....yummmmm!

Okay, as promised, here are a few of the cookies that we will be doing at the Second Annual Cookie Decorating party:

Whatch'a think?  One of my favorite new cutters is the elf's boot...stinkin' cute, or what?  I am also loving the ice skate...oh heck, I think they are all cute!

Got a ton to do for this weekend's holiday boutique...doing cookies and lots of Christmas "blocks"...I will post pics when I get a spare minute to take some!  Till then...Happy Baking!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Do yourself a favor!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

I am headed out this morning like a lot of other crazy people...but not at midnight, like most. When in fact I should be boycotting Black Friday, I just can't pass up the opportunity to see what is out there!

I think I will be at Home Depot at 5:00 to buy myself a new cordless drill...then head over to JoAnns to see what they have. This is not my usual plan, but the stores that opted to open at midnight have ruined that for me...my daughter even called and said "it just isn't the same"....do you think they will change it back next year?

Anyhoo, I have nothing new to share except this little piece of advice (this is where the favor comes in). If you don't treat yourself to anything else this season, PLEASE indulge in at least one of these:

Trust me when I say they are a little piece of Heaven.  It is the Chocolate Peppermint Milkshake from Chic-fil-A...they are only available through Jan.3 (yes, I did my homework).  You can will thank me later!

That's it for me...have a great day!

P.S.  Do NOT even be tempted to look up the calorie count on this bad boy...it will spoil an otherwise perfect indulgence!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Remember that Lane hope chest?

Well, it is finally done! This is one of those projects that turned out to take much longer than anticipated. Why, you ask? Because sometimes a girl just can't make up her damn darn mind, that's why!  In case you have forgotten which piece I am talking about or if perhaps you are new around here...this is the piece I am referring to:

This piece is pretty much new, from top to bottom.  I think I may have mention that I did not have a key for the lock and upon contacting the Lane company, they sent me one!  Free of charge...a phenomenal company to work with, btw).  Sadly when I got the key, I realized that the lock itself was broken....arrrghhhh!  So, I went back to their website and realized that they had a "Free Lock Replacement" program.  So, I contacted them again and they sent me a whole new lock, which coincidentally, turned out to be the same Oil Bronze color that I had painted the hardware.

I originally painted the chest, Valspar Lyndhurst Timber...now, this is where the time consuming part STARTS coming in.  I "thought" I was purchasing the chest for my second guest room, but Kelli brought to my attention that I was starting to get quite a few different pieces for that room.  Hmmmmm...I wish she would have mentioned that BEFORE I both painted and reupholstered the top!  Yep, I had already purchased the fabric and recovered the cushion.

Okay, no need to panic...I loved this chest and was not ready to give up the battle.  I decided that I would put in my master bedroom instead.  I had decided however, that although I really liked the color, it fell a bit short.  So I get the brainy idea to glaze the whole piece...I chose a Martha Stewart Metallic Glaze called, Muscavado (I had used it previously on this accent table).  I was not happy with the results the first time, so yep, you guessed it....I painted it all out again and started over!  The problem, you ask?  Distressing ANYTHING, stresses me out!  Yep, it is just not in my personality to purposely make something look slightly "damaged", for lack of a better word.  I wanted to make it look "perfectly" damaged and that is just not the right approach to take.

Still with me?

So after two different cushion recovering's (spell check is telling me that is not a word), two different paint jobs and two glazing's...it is finally done.  I am still not 100% sure that it is living up to my full expectations, but Melissa said it looks good so, at least for now...I'm done with it!

I realize now, that I should have taken a closeup picture of the fabric.  It is nothing "wild" because I already have other patterns in the room and I had to work with what was existing in the room.  The colors match perfectly though!  I did do a little button "tufting" on the top, for a little added interest.

Whatch'a think...any improvement?

The good news is, that I am gearing up for my Second Annual Cookie Decorating Party, so I have already started my "sample" cookies (these are samples to look at, not to necessarily eat, even though I do freeze them)!  I have some new Christmas cutters that I am dying to share!  Till then....

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

This post linked to:

Restore Interiors
 Primitive and Proper

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


A few cookies and a little complaint!

Let's just get that complaint out of the way first! Just who's idea was it to change the hours of Black Friday? I mean yes, I am an early bird (so much so that most think I need intervention) so getting up at 3:30 a.m. to go shopping is really no big deal. So, let's stop right there and address that elephant in the room...what are your thoughts on Black Friday? I mean sure, I love a good deal, and there are plenty of them on that day, but now it seems that there are good deals EVERYDAY! Call me sick, but I enjoy the frenzy and if I get a good deal at the same time, that is just an added bonus! This is the day that truly kicks off the holiday season, in my opinion!

So, let's get back to that complaint...who decided that starting Black Friday at midnight was a good idea? Seriously people, 12:00 MIDNIGHT?...why not just make it 3:00 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving, because that is when a lot of crazy people (not me) will be getting in line for all those great deals! Now, because I am a self proclaimed early bird, I am definitely NOT a night owl...so going out at night to go shopping is not a viable option for me! I should boycott it completely and stay home, but let's be honest, I won't...so I will be going about my usual routine and getting up at 3:30, to be at the stores by about 4:00 a.m.  Who's with me?!

'Nuff said on that topic!

I must confess...I have not made any Thanksgiving cookies this year...crazy, huh?  I did think about it, but knew that it would be that many more cookies that we would be consuming around here, and who needs that?  It is for that reason that I am sharing some that I have made in the past...if you were around last year, then I will refresh your memory...if you were not, then we will just pretend that I am posting them for the first time!

Thanks for stopping by...tomorrow I hope to have an ABC Project to share.

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Answering a few Questions...

Nothing creative to share today (although I am working on a bunch of different projects, so stay tuned) but I have had a couple of people leave questions in the comment box.  Thankfully I saw them so that I could respond...in the future if you have a specific question, you might want to use the "Contact Me" and I would probably answer more quickly.

Anyhoo, Sonja asked me how I find my local Estate Sales.  I originally just did a "Google" search for "Estate Sales Phoenix" and found this great site that lists new estate sales, weekly.  If you live in, or near a large city, chances are you can find the same site locally.  Most sales post pictures of some, or all of the items that will be for sale...it's awesome!

And from yesterday's post, Cathy N asked for a tutorial for my Deco Mesh Wreath.  Sorry Cathy, I didn't make one BUT I got the original idea from Pinterest, so if you go there and do a search, a bazillion ideas will come up.  Once again, if you Google "Deco Mesh Wreath" you will get multiple tutorials on how to do it...some of them are video's found on YouTube.

Hope this helps you both...if not, just "Contact Me"!

Have a great weekend everyone!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


I'm baaaccckkk!

Well, let's be honest, most of you didn't even know that I was actually gone! They say ("they" being the blog police, I guess) that you should not blog in advance about going out of town. Not really sure how many people really care, but regardless, I am back now so I can spill the beans.

For the past five years, my husband and I have celebrated each other's birthdays by making a trip to Las Vegas. We did not go in May for my birthday because we were celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary in Exuma and although we were a little late for Ron's this year (only a week) we did make it. We usually fly...it is a quick 45 minute flight and you are there. This year because of circumstances and not real great planning, we drove. Five LONG hours, in my book. Going, not too bad...there is always the anticipation of getting there. Coming home...not so much! It seems like it takes twice as much time. Even Ron, who's idea it was to drive in the first place, says from now on, "we fly"!

It is not often that we can say we BOTH came home winners...in fact, I don't think that has ever happened. If I am being honest, he was the bigger winner, but I did bounce back and ended up holding my own!

A quick share today. Remember this little "sneak peek" about a week ago?

You might have guessed (or did I tell you?) that it was another Pinterest inspired project...gosh, I love that site!  Anyhoo, you might have also guessed that I was making a deco mesh wreath...if you did, you were right on!

This is how mine turned out:

Whatch'a think...not bad for my first one, huh?  The problem with these is when to "say when"...some people put a ton of stuff on them, and when I looked back at theirs,  I thought mine could have probably used more crap embellishments on it.   I may add more, but for now, this is how it looks.  I am in the process of making another wreath cuz' they're kind of mine to put together.  I never did find anymore of those cute cupcake decorations though.  Note to self:  if you really like them, buy them all when you see them!

Till next time!

Linking this post to:

My Repurposed Life
Finding Fabulous
Under the Table and Dreaming

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Cookies and a few more fun finds!

How about a few cookies first?  This order was for one dozen Circus Tents...I did not have a cutter so I had to handcut them.  It's easy, really...just find an image online and print it to the size you would like.  Some people will then trace the image on to some plastic (like a CoolWhip top), but since I am a gadget freak and I own a laminator, I just run the image through that and then cut it out.  Then you just lay the template on your rolled dough and cut it out with a sharp knife...easy peasy, right?  Let me just say...these cookies are HUGE...bigger than I planned really.

Thanks to Crystal, for letting me play a small part in your son's first birthday!

On Thursday I took my happy self to a sale that was supposed to be the closing of an Antique/Junk store.  A different company, that usually does Estate Sales, was overseeing the sale.  When walking in I was a little disappointed to find out that it was not really the first day of the sale...in fact it had been going on for a few weeks.  I figured all the good stuff had to be gone, but don't fret, I was still able to find a few treasures.

Most of the items were not even marked...the lady just said "make me an offer".  I found an old oak dining room table that I loved, but I had no idea what to offer because at this point, I didn't know what THEY were expecting.  Oh, and did I mention that I am an awful negotiator?  I told the lady I didn't have a clue and she said $50 and it's yours....SOLD!  I have been looking for a table to refinish for my own dining room, so this one is a keeper!  Sorry, no picture for this one because I have not picked it up yet...need to take my hubby back with the truck.

My next treasure were these bad boys:

How fun are they?  Okay, so you don't have have the vision?  They are supposed to go with these parts and make display stands...so for that reason alone, I had to buy them!

Now a creative person (like Gail, for instance) would find a million things to repurpose these for...me, I'm not so sure because they have those screws coming out on the ends and I have no idea how to get them out.  Sad, huh?  Anyhoo, I already have a plan for them...can you see it?  BTW, I offered $20 for all of them, I thought she was going to turn me down, but she caved!

Last, but not least...these two things:

Melissa wanted a lamp for her bedroom...this one was $5.  Spice rack...$3 and I have a plan for it as well...Pinterest inspired, of course!

That's it for me, hope you have a great day!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


A makeover reveal and a couple thrifty treasures!

I have actually had this project done for some time and am just getting around to taking an "after" picture. You may (or may not) remember this little beauty that I posted back in August...

Can you say "time warp"?  That little country heart pretty much says it all!  Well, heart be gone...this is what she looks like now...

I had absolutely no idea where this was going to go...I don't have a place for it at my house.  I decided it needed to be red, but I didn't want it too bright, so I topped it off with some Martha Stewart Metallic Glaze in Black Coffee (I am a sucker for anything with the word "coffee" in it!)

I painted the top half with chalkboard paint and since I brought it up, can we discuss that for just a minute?  I have a definite "love-hate" relationship with this stuff.  I struggle getting a nice clean coverage with it.  The spray was a complete waste, I would get weird lines no matter how carefully I sprayed it.  I now use it from a can and "roll" it on using a sponge roller...still not great, but I think I have run out of options.  Maybe you have some "tips" about this stuff that would help me out?

Anyhoo, the bottom portion is cork, as if you hadn't already figured that out.  I purchased two inexpensive hooks, as well as the round medallion at the top, from Hob Lob.  I wish I could say that I was the brains behind the chalk holder at the bottom, but alas, I cannot!  My cyber friend (well, I think we have become friends, anyway) Gail from My Repurposed Life gave me this great idea.  It's nothing more than one of the tile racks from a Scrabble game...genius, right?  If you have never been to Gail's blog, you really must check it out...the girl can build anything!

So whatch'a think...the perfect little message center, right?  I think Melissa has decided to take this one home.  It will look much nicer hanging on the wall!

Okay...now for a few treasures that I snagged yesterday from Saver's (it was senior discount day...one of the few perks of being 55 years old).  Anyhoo, how about this little table:

Check out those "feet" at the bottom...kind of creepy, yet still pretty cool, don't ya think?  BTW, I do have the glass that goes in it as well...it was the first thing I removed when I got home.  Glass has a way of breaking quite easily around here!  The table was $11...and I can definitely see her potential!

Then I found this...

 I know it doesn't look like much, but this stands about 3 feet tall.  Think Christmas, people!  Filled with greenery and Christmas balls...of course I got this cool idea from Pinterest!  I am not real fond of the brass, but since it is a Christmas decoration, I COULD let it slide...but I have to say, I am tempted to paint it.  It wouldn't be easy though...that is a lot of glass to tape off.  Whatch'a think...paint or don't paint?  BTW, cost was just under $10

That's it for me today, folks...I have a dozen Circus cookies to get started on!

This post linked to:

My Repurposed Life
Miss Mustard Seed 
Under the Table and Dreaming

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Cookies and a little "teaser"!

My niece recently had a baby and what better way to say "welcome" than with cookies?! Okay, well obviously Ella won't be enjoying them (she got a cute little outfit) but the rest of the family just might!

I decided to do something a little different when I found these cute containers at the Dollar Tree...yep, you heard me right, the Dollar Tree! I am ALWAYS looking for fun ways to package cookies and the minute I saw these little baby bottles (which are actually banks, btw) I knew I had the perfect plan for them.  What's better than a few big cookies...a bunch of mini's, of course!

So whatch'a think?!  Anybody you know having a baby...cute idea, huh?!

And now, because I am such a "teaser", here is a pic of just ONE (and believe me, there are many more) of the projects I am currently working on.

Just another Pinterest inspired projects...stay tuned!

Till then...Happy Baking!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Halloween is over...

but it wouldn't be complete until you saw my little ones in their costumes.  Before school:

Halloween night at Nana and Papa's house:

And of course it wouldn't be complete without a picture with Aunt Kiki in her outfit as well!

Of course the night couldn't go without incident...Taylor tripped going to one house and cut her lip.  She was a trooper, though...after a quick trip back to Nana's to clean up the blood, she went right back to Trick or Treating, fat lip and all!

Working on lots of projects...will be sharing some soon!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


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