
Hello all!

Back again to give you a little cookie update!

I was given Carte Blanche on this order for  baby boy shower

A Tinkerbell themed birthday for my great niece, Harper...of course the boys needed some non girly cookies!  Gotta say...love how those maps came out!

Some little desserts that I made for Kelli's girls night!  Yes, there is a sugar cookie on the bottom of all that fruit deliciousness!

Bird Gang cookies for a serious Cardinals fan!

Do you know how much I LOVE Dr. Seuss?  Making these for a first birthday was pure enjoyment!

Some fun summer cookies!

Baby Girl Shower

Fourth of July cookies (inspired by The Bearfoot Baker!)

My favorite four legged peep

Shark Week!

Say it with cookies!!

Another girls night dessert.  Is it a chocolate chip cookie...is it a cake?  It's both and I heard it was de-lish!

My Little Pony simplified!

Hello Kitty...always a classic!

And you are now up to date, once again!


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