
More of "Polly's" Cabinets and...

...another little piece of news!  I am happy to say that I sold my little headboard!  You remember this one, right?

I don't mind telling you that she sold for $75...not bad for my original investment of $5.99!  I really hated to see this go, but I don't have twin beds in my guestrooms anymore, so it had to go to make room for other projects!

Carry on...I

In case you don't remember my last project using one of Polly's cabinet doors,  I will refresh your memory...this cute little wine tray:

Since then I completed another tray using the same image but the original wording and adding a couple of flourishes:

Next I decided that I want to make some message boards.  For this one I used the same image that is on the bed.  I bought the knobs from Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off...perfect for hanging dish towels or keys.  The handle on the top is one that I picked up from Restore...it was painted using Rustoleum Flat Black.  I purchased a package of 4, 12 x 12 pieces of cork board from JoAnns and cut to size.

The second one I used a Valspar sample paint from Lowe's.  I purchased these knobs from Hobby Lobby and painted both of those plus the handle with Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze.  The image is another that I purchased from Graphique.

And last but not least, I actually have a few cookies to share.

Last night was the teacher "meet and greet" for Thomas.  Believe it or not, he will be returning to school next week!  What better way to butter up your new teacher than with a little cookie bouquet!

till next time...

This post linked to:

My Repurposed Life
Primitive and Proper 
Restore Interiors

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Melissa Moore said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 1

Love!!!! Who knew ugly cabinets could be so freakin' cute?!

Papel Scissors said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 2

i wish you lived closer..i would try to buy the farm fresh eggs one from you :))) Great creativity..

Papel Scissors said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 3

i wish you lived closer..i would try to buy the farm fresh eggs one from you :))) Great creativity..

MG said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 4

I love all of the trays and message boards, but....

how can it possibly be time for back to school???

I feel like we're only half way through summer!

gail@My Repurposed Life said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 5

great message boards Terri! :) You're so good with those images.

woohooo on selling the headboard! can I ask where you sold it? People around here are so tight...they won't buy anything! hahaha


Karolyn at Paper Therapy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 6

OH MY GOSH!! You are KILLING me here with all of your amazing transformations of Kelli's ugly cabinets!! The wine trays - are you KIDDING ME?!! And those messsage boards - BE STILL MY HEART!! Congrats on the great sale of the headboard - some lucky bitch is skipping around like a silly little fool about that purchase!!! Whatcha' gonna do with your profits - I feel like there are some stamps calling your name . . . or are those just the sick little voices in my head?!! LOL Miss you bunches!! xoxo

sue @ Cakeballs, cookies and more said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 7

wow great stuff!

Cassie Bustamante said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 8

this is another cute cabinet door idea!


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