
My latest find

I have been looking for a new "old" dining room table for a long time. What I have now is not only dated, but hideous (hope no Craigslist people are reading my blog). It is a glass table that I have had for about 20 years. In my defense I did have newer Parsons chairs that sold within the first few hours! The table has been so lucky, even though I have been dropping the price daily...it is about one day away from curbside!

So, last week I was doing my usual rounds on Craigslist myself, and came across this listing. (All pictures were taken by previous owner, I have so much junk many treasures in my garage right now, you would not even be able to see it!  Anyhoo, this is what I bought from the nicest little lady located in Scottsdale.

I was super excited...you KNOW how anything that is all wood just makes me giddy!

It comes with 4 regular chairs and 2 captain's chairs.  The table has two leaves and the mat to cover the top.  This little piece came with it is well:

You can't really see in the picture, but the sides actually pop up to make a very good size buffet.  This was an added bonus because I was not even looking for that piece!  All of this for $200...I was as happy as a pig in shi....well, I was very happy!

The seat cushions have been removed and I am ready to buy paint.  Yep, you heard correctly!  The tops of both pieces will be sanded and refinished with stain...the rest is getting a good coat of Annie Sloan.  I went to Interior Fabrics yesterday and ordered new fabric for the cushions.  If you are local to the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, I highly recommend checking them out for home decor fabrics...they have a HUGE selection and very good prices!

That's about all I got for now!  I will soon have some Alice in Wonderland themed cookies to share, so be sure to stop back by in the next few days! 

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 1

OMG TERR!!!! i just love your new fine, it is really a bute, can't wait to see the finished product, especially the chairs!!!!
see you guys soon, love you,your favvvvvv!!!!!!!

Mdegraeve said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 2

table is gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished:)
Alice in wonderland is my all time favorite movie.
two years ago me and my hubby + 4 kids did alice theme halloween costumes!

gail@My Repurposed Life said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 3

Terri--it's all coming together. You are a CL ninja! :)

can't wait to see the "after"


Debra Howard said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 4

You did good girl! Nice!

Rachel @ Thrifty Inspirations said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 5

This table is gorgeous and awfully familiar ;) although I would say your chairs ROCK my chairs faces off. The cane back is beautiful! I absolutely love it. Excited to see how it finishes up!


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