

Three things can be said about Hello Kitty.  #1, she is timeless...she has been around since prehistoric ages I was a teenager.  #2, she is ageless...she still looks the same after 38 years (now who can say that with a straight face).  And #3...girls of all ages seem to love her!

Ironically, I had two orders at the same time for Hello Kitty cookies!  One order was for a thirteen year old...the other for someone that was turning 30!

At Mom's request, we did a couple of "nerdy" kitty's with glasses!  Whatch'a think?

And equally important...the gift box for Lisa!

Ya gotta love the "cat"!  Enjoy your cookies, girls!!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Shall we address the pretty new "elephant" in the room?

And by elephant, I mean my beautiful blog makeover!

I couldn't be happier! If you popped in on Friday you probably noticed that things were different but all was not quite right...that was my transition stage! Of course "I" can't take any credit it for the design at all. I worked with a wonderful ETSY seller called SolidArtCollective, and can say without doubt that it was one of my best ETSY experiences, ever!  dRE (yep, that's what she goes by) worked with me tirelessly through every step, until I was completely happy with the outcome.  I now have an awesome new "logo" and blog header as well as, a new business card, personalized cookie labels and even a little "Grab my Button", right over there ------->.  Go ahead, grab it, I'll wait while you do!

Everything is still here, but you just have to look up.  I cleaned up my sidebar and put most everything except my cookie "Labels" in the menu bar above.  

Would love to know what you think of the new "me"...and by me, I mean my new blog!

I also worked on a few Valentine's Day cookies.  You might remember the Brush Embroidery cookies that I did here, and since I love the look, I decided to do it on some hearts!  This design, while a little time consuming, is really quite simple to do.  No really, it is!

See, another cool thing about my new blog...I can make the pictures much bigger than before!  So whatch'a think?  As you can see, there was a "miss" amongst the hits...I tried it with black icing that I already had in a piping bag...the consistency was perfect for piping, but NOT for this technique.  It kind of resemble a flower that someone had stepped on...not good.

I have got tons going on so be sure to stop by again soon!  Till then...happy baking~

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Ooh la la!

Can I just tell you how freakin' fun these were to make? I did not have this cookie cutter last Valentine's Day, and I could not wait for it to come back around this year so that I could make up these super cute corsets! If your hubby loves sexy lingerie (and what guy doesn't?) AND he loves cookies...why not give him a two-fer?!

Who wouldn't want to have the shape that fits these...I can tell you that I did not have a waist that small when I came out of the womb!  How cute would these be for a bachelorette party or even a bridal shower?!  Seriously people, I need someone to order these so that I have an excuse to make some more!

I have lots of other projects in the making...a furniture makeover reveal, new "blocks" and of course more Valentine's Day cookies...stay tuned!

Till then...happy baking~

This post linked to:

My Repurposed Life
Finding Fabulous
Under the Table and Dreaming
The Bearfoot Baker

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Valentine's Day revisited!

So, we made it through Christmas and we are over halfway through January...you all know what is just around the corner! Yep, Valentine's Day will be here before we know it and you will all be wondering what to get your Sweetie!  Since we all know the fastest way to a man's heart is through his tummy, why not give him something cute AND good to eat?!

I am currently working on a few new designs but until I get them done, I put together this quick little collage to remind you what I did last year.  If you live locally, I highly recommend the cookie bouquet...if it needs to ship, I have a couple of different gift box options!

Whatch'a think?  Look familiar...you had forgotten how cute they were, right?!  There is something for every age and gender.  Packaged individually, the "Lovebugs" and "Spidey" are perfect for classroom parties!

I am not going to lie...February is a crazy busy month for me and I am not talking just cookies here!  If you want to order please let me know ASAP, cuz' I will be doing a limited amount of orders!

Till next time...Happy Baking!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Finding inspiration...

...it's all over the www, and you don't have to search hard to find it! I have told you many times of my Pinterest obsession. I have tried a project or two, and more than one recipe...there have been "hits" and there have been definite "MISSES"! At Christmas I tried a few "bake, don't deep fry" recipes...hence the misses I am speaking of! I'm sorry, but there are some things that are meant to ooze both fat and calories. Just sayin'!

Okay, so back to the reason behind the post title.  I recently found these cute little owls on Pinterest the other day:

Photo from Pinterest

I thought they were so stinkin' cute, I decide to create my own version, which of course turned out nothing like these.  It didn't matter since I wasn't intending to "copy" them anyway, I was just looking for something to create that was a little different.  I have no idea what cutter was used, and I don't happen to have anything quite like it so I used what I had.  I had seen somewhere (also on the web) that someone had used an upside down tulip to make an owl, so that is what I did.  I cut off the middle "hump" and voila, an owl was born!  Just for fun I made some cute little frogs (also Internet inspired) to go with...made using a six-petal flower. 

Whatch'a think?  Kind of cute, huh?  We sometimes get stuck in a rut...if you are trying something new or just doing the same thing but want to try a "new" version, don't be afraid to look around a bit for new ideas, then make it your own!  To me, it would be the highest form of flattery if someone took one of my ideas for inspiration!

I had no reason to make these cookies, actually I was just plain bored and since I hadn't made any since before Christmas (gasp!)  I was sort of having "cookie creating" withdrawals!  A small box went out to one unsuspecting follower and the rest will go to my grandkids!

Till next time...happy baking!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


Projects in the making...

We are now coming to the end of the first week of 2012...wow, doesn't time fly?!

I am not one to make resolutions...I refuse to set myself up for failure.  Having said that, I do plan have every intention of doing the following this year...

I hope to post here a little more often.  I haven't had any reason to make cookies since Christmas so I haven't had anything new to share.  This is a long time for me to go without making cookies, so since I don't have an order till Jan 21st, I may have to whip up a batch just for shits and giggles FUN!

I am giving my blog a "facelift" of sorts.  Well, I am not doing it, exactly, but I am working with someone that is way better at this sort of thing than me.  We have completed "phase 1" which was redesigning the logo as well as creating new business cards.  I can't wait to share...so stay tuned!

Since I have put on what I refer to as my "winter coat" (sadly, I seem to do this every year around the holidays!), I am making every effort to shed those unwanted pounds.  My hubby, son-in-law and I are participating in our own version of "The Biggest Loser"...throwing money into the pot and winner take all!  I am pretty much just donating my money because even though it is "percentage of weight loss", they will probably lose more.  They do Atkins and I do Weight Watchers...still the best diet out there, IMO.  I will keep you updated on my progress...diet ends 2/29!

I have lots of furniture "re-do" projects waiting for my attention and of course, I am always on the prowl for more.  I am currently trying to work some magic on this little jewel:

I have had this for quite a while and think I posted a picture here before, but not sure.  As you can see, I have already sanded the top down to bare wood.  Since taking this pic, I have disassembled it and I now have the second tier done as well.  I am finally trying my hand at Annie Sloan Chalk Paint...I have heard a lot about it, but have never tried it till now.  I can't wait to see what all the hype is about...I will keep you posted on this as well.

I, of course, look forward to the arrival of our 3rd grandchild, who should make her debut mid-February.  Can't wait for that!

I appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to stop by my blog and hope you all will continue to do so in 2012!  If you get a chance, leave a little comment telling me you were "here"...I would love to hear from you!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


I guess I will start 2012 off...

by "tooting my own horn" (pun intended).  The CSI Project's last challenge of the year was to post your favorite project that you did throughout the year 2011.  I entered my little "Labor of Love" Play Kitchen and it was chosen as the #1 Project....yay!

If you have never checked out the CSI Project blog, you definitely should!  They have "themed" weekly challenges and all types of projects can be entered...I have even entered my cookies a time or two!

Carrying on...I even have my first project for the New Year to show you.  No, it was not done in 2012, I actually started it about a month or so ago.  On one of my thrifty adventures, I spotted these bar stools:

Pretty gnarly, right?  They had great "bones", as we in the refinishing business like to say (lol) and I already had the perfect plan for them!  My good buddy, Karolyn, was in needed of two chairs for her newly redecorated craft room studio (it's much too "chic" to be referred to as a "craft" anything!)  Anyhoo, I snapped this picture and was going to send it to her to get her opinion, but for $5 each (yep, a bargain right?) and an impatient hubby waiting in the truck, I went ahead ans snagged them.  I was not worried that I could find something to do with them and for $10...steal!

As luck would have it, she loved them...well, at least I like to think she did.  I am sure when she first saw that picture, her vision was NOT quite as clear as mine, lol!  Anyoo, after a few coats of primer, a few coats of Valspar Water Lily paint, some Wipe On Poly and of course the brand spankin' new Damask seat cushions, here they are today:


Whatch'a think?  Yummy, right?  It took some persuasion to convince the ultra conservative Karolyn, that the chairs needed to be this teal color (she wanted black).  The teal color is one of the accent colors in her room and since the table was white, I thought this color would look awesome...do you agree?

This was a super fun project...I hope Karolyn enjoys them in her new studio!

Hope the year 2012 brings health and happiness to all!

This post linked to:

Restored Interiors
My Repurposed Life 
Primitive & Proper
Miss Mustard Seed 

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!


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