
A few more proud "Nana" moments!

Appropriately attired in their new "Big Sister, Big Brother" t-shirts, Taylor and Thomas got to see Tatum for the first time yesterday.  I am pretty sure, neither one expected her to be so tiny.  Couldn't resist sharing a few of those memorable moments!

 Surprisingly, Thomas wanted to hold her more than Taylor.

A little unsure...

And of course, proud Papa~

Thanks for letting me share my proud moments!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Welcome...Tatum Marie!

Meet my latest grandchild...Tatum Marie Moore was born at 8:40PM yesterday. She is 21 inches long and weighed 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Check out all that hair...no wonder Mom had heartburn for 6 months!

Mom and baby doing well!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Wedding Cookies!

I mentioned last week that besides making various Valentine's Day cookies, I also had a wedding order to complete.  To most "seasoned" cookier's, an order of 100 cookies would be a piece of cake (or cookie, in this case), but to me, always a little itimidating.  I know that it is something I can handle, but the thought of creating something for such a special occasion, is a bit stressful.

Angela and Abe were married yesterday in a beautiful ceremony at the Talking Stick Resort in Scottsdale.  Since Kelli was in the wedding and because Ron and I have gotten to know Angela, we were able to witness the event firsthand.

I have to say, sitting down at the gorgeous table settings and seeing my cookies placed on each napkin was pretty exciting for me.  Of course my husband found it necessary to tell anyone within earshot that I had made the cookies...subtle?  Not so much!

Anyhoo, these are the designs that Angela chose:


And because we can't forget the most important people of the day, I couldn't resist making the heart shaped Bride and Groom cookies!

Thanks so much Abe and Angela for letting me play a very SMALL part in your very BIG day!

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Three cheers for two-tiers!

So sorry for that...I needed a title for my post today and I swear that was the first thing that popped into my head.  There may not be any cheers if this isn't your style of table...and I have to admit it could take a little time for it to grow on ya!  Having said that, I think you would have to agree that it looks much better now than it did when I first picked it up!

Not going to mention any names, but one of my "friends" said she didn't even know what it was...seriously?!  Old...yes, but not old enough to be considered an antique.  Outdated...absolutely, but use your imagination, right?  That's what I do every time I pick up a piece...I have a vision and look at it as a challenge.

Anyhoo, here is what it looks like today!

As you can see I couldn't resist adding what is becoming, my signature postmark, just for fun.  BTW, I don't know why it appears to be a different color right in the middle of the table...I assure you it is NOT like that IRL!

So whatch'a think...is it a hit or a miss?!  Would you have not wasted your time and energy on this piece?  Would love to hear your thoughts!

Gotta run...I have 100 wedding cookies to decorate.  Till then....

Linking this post to:

Restore Interiors
My Repurposed Life
Miss Mustard Seed
Finding Fabulous

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Cookie craziness!

It seems I can go weeks without an order and then, bam....everyone wants cookies at the same time. This is what the last week produced in the way of cookies:

dRE ordered this box for her niece, Lolli for Valentine's Day...that cute little "logo" cookie in the middle was designed by dRE (the uber talented girl that also designed all my blog goodies!) especially for her niece...she sent me the image and I printed on edible paper with edible ink.  Cute, huh?

This box was also ordered by dRE for her Mom...love those sexy little corsets and lovebugs!

My bff, Karolyn, ordered some hearts for her monthly "Wining with Friends" get together (and yes, it THAT kind of wine!  There were 2 dozen in all...hope they enjoyed them!

Next on the list were 6-year old Malia's birthday cookies...how cute are these flowers that her and her Mom designed?  Happy Birthday, Malia!

And last but certainly not least...were these cute little lovebugs on a stick for my Taylor's, Valentine's Day party which is being held today.  She is attaching them to paper hearts that Melissa cut out using her new Cameo.

So...whatch'a think?  Thanks to ALL for letting me share a little cookie "love"!!

Next on my list...Angela's wedding cookies that need to be done by Friday!

I really need my new little grandbaby to come today...Nana is going to be a little busy after that!

 Linking this post to:

Under the Table and Dreaming

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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It was a good junkin' week!

It's been a while since I found any good treasures while out thrifting...which of course "good" is always in the eyes of the beholder!  I can understand that some cannot see past the dirt, grime and unidentifiable "yuck" that we sometimes find on such "treasures"...I used to be that way myself.  Now, I look past it and try to envision what it could be.

So this is what I drug home this week...

Now, this little dresser is going to be "repurposed" and I will bet you can't figure out what it will be used for.  I am itching to get at this project...in fact it is already half disassembled.  I have to admit, even with my "senior" discount at Goodwill, I probably overpaid for this little puppy, but it was the perfect size for what I need it for, so home it came!

The same day, I found this as well:

No, your eyes are not blurry...I think the photographer may have had one too many cups of coffee!  Anyhoo, does it look just a little familiar?  Hint...look at those chunky legs.  Yep, it matches the two-tier table that I posted a couple of days ago (will share that reveal next week).  Once I sand through those cigarette burns on the top of the table, it will be as good as new!

And finally, Melissa and I found this cute little chair at Savers yesterday.

Now...I bought this, (A) because it was a good deal ($12.99) and  (B) because it is just one step outside my "reupholstering" comfort level.  I decided it was time to push the envelope and try something a little more difficult than this chair and this chair.  It is hard to find any kind of cane chair that the cane is still intact, usually is has holes in it, but this little thing is perfect.  It is also very sturdy!

So, how did I do?

I will have lots of cookies to share next week as well, as I have been baking my little heart out!  Busy, busy, busy! 

Till then...

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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Pretty in Pink!

As promised, I am back today to show you my latest makeover.  Quite a few months back I purchased two of these cute little dressers.  This was the smaller of the two...the first one I repainted for a second guest room.  Yep, it's done, but you can't see it yet!

Anyhoo, this is the smaller one.  I did not have a plan for either one when I bought them, I just got them for a good price and I loved the look of them.  If you remember, they originally came from Home Goods...I purchased them at some other sale.  I don't think they had ever been used, but they had been knocked around a bit and had a few little flaws.

Melissa decided that the smaller one would look cute in the baby's room, so off to Lowe's I went.  Once again, I was inspired by a dresser I had seen on Pinterest.  I picked out my color swatch and ran with it...well, not literally...I just told the girl behind the counter what I needed.  And this is what I got:

In case you haven't seen them, this is the latest packaging for Lowe's color samples.  If I didn't know better, I would say they were designed just for us girls!  I mean seriously, how cute are they?  FYI, for all of you that don't know...these little containers are the perfect size for a lot of different projects!  They cost less than $3 and they come in a Satin finish.  They will mix them for you in any Valspar color...good to know, right?  I also check their "oooops" table regularly, because you will usually find them on there as well, and they are only $1.25...such a deal!

Now where was I?  Oh yeah, you are probably waiting to see what I did with the four different colors of paint, right?

One more before:

And here is what she looks like now:

Whatch'a think?  Cute, huh?  

I took one color swatch and had the girl mix me one jar of each color (two of the darkest color, which I didn't end up even needing).  For the fourth color, she just mixed the lightest shade at 50% and VOILA!  BTW, I love that my Lowes has some girls behind the counter...they just get it!  I don't think any of the guys would have been as happy to fulfill my request.  Just sayin'...
I LOVE how it turned out...hopefully Melissa will too!

I should have lots to show you in the coming days.  Busy with cookie orders and another makeover project to share.  Remember this little beast:

You won't even recognize her!
Till then...happy baking and "remaking"!

This post linked to:

Primitive and Proper
Restore Interiors
My Repurposed Life
Miss Mustard Seed

There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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A plethora of "Preggers"!

I have been a bad blogger lately...I swore I was going to post more often this year (see, this is why I did not call it a "New Year's resolution", cuz' I tend to drop the ball on that whole thing).  In my own defense, I have been sort of busy!

Yesterday was Melissa's baby shower and before I go any further, can I just tell you what an awesome job that Jody and Jackie did to throw her the nicest shower, ever?!  Jody opened up her beautiful home to host approximately 20 family members and friends.  They prepared a delicious buffet and it was decorated so cute in black and white damask with pink accents...any expectant mom's dream baby shower!

The girls were even gracious enough to let ol' Mom help out by bringing the cookies.  It gave me a great excuse to use a cookie cutter that I have had quite a long time, but have never had the reason to use.  The minute I saw this one, I knew I had to have it.

  Whatch'a think?  Stinkin' cute, huh?!  These were all packaged and given as a "Thank You" for coming.

In place of cake (I mean who would think of serving cake over cookies, right?!) we decided that a plate of "mini's" would work perfectly.  I have to say, these were fun to make as well!

So, there you have it...I may not have been posting on my blog, but I have been busy doing something!  Next week it continues with Valentine's Day cookies...a cookier's day is never done!

Also, does anyone happen to remember this little thing?!

Stay tuned later this week and I will show you what it looks like now.  A little hint....it's all done up for a new baby girl!

Till then...Happy baking...and making!

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There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies! Photobucket
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