What makes these so fun?! Not only is there a yummy cookie on top but it's what you can't see that kicks these up a notch! There is a little chocolate cupcake baked right in the terracotta pot (with a cupcake liner in the bottom to cover the hole)...cute, huh?! The original version showed just carrots in the pot, but I decided to do an Easter egg and flower as well...and I could not resist adding those little lady bugs!
I totally cheated and used store bought icing for the cupcakes and colored it green myself. Put the "grass" on the cupcake and pushed the decorated cookie down in. If I were to do this again, I would
1. Use a little smaller cookie cutter.
2. Put those smaller cookies on a stick, so that you could easily insert them, yet they would sit up higher in the pot. Live and learn!
So whatch'a think?!
There's a skinny girl who lives inside of me that's screaming to get out...I can usually shut her up with cookies!
Ooooo, I am pinning this idea :>) Love your suggestion to add a stick to the cookie. Would be so cute as flowers growing in the pot. Perfect for Mother's Day or a shower. Yum!!!
What do I think?! I think you're the smartest and most talented cookie baker EVER!! These are so cute - I could totally see cacti in there for Cinco de Mayo. AMAZE-BALLS, chica!!
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