
Please hang in there...

one more day!  For those of you that have been waiting patiently to see Kelli's finished dresser, you are going to have to wait another day or so...hopefully only one!

This project has become a thorn in my side, but I am happy to say it is finally done!  Yes, I thought I was done last week, but being the OCD person that I usually am when it comes to projects like this, I just wasn't liking how the paint job looked on the piece, so I went to plan "B"...or was was that plan "c"...there has been so many, I have lost track!  Anyhoo, it is now done, for reals...all I have to do is snap some pics and I will share!

In the meantime, I thought I would share a few cookies that I have done recently.

The first is a set of fireman cookies that I made for one of Kelli's co-workers that just got a job with the Tempe Fire Department.  We did a little giftbox:

And because you know that I cannot resist making some Halloween...I whipped up a few of these:

Have you ever Googled "Halloween tombstone names"...there are a bazillion of them, but I decided to go with Daisey Pusher and Ima Stiph...cracks me up!

I have lots more Halloween to share, but I can't show them to you all in one day...how fun would that be?!

Stay tuned...



Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates 1

I love the firefighter cookies! That hose is perfect!

I have never Googled tombstone names but, I want to know! LOL Love the ones you picked.

Can't wait to see the dresser!!


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